【Guest room】Shoin-style (18 square meters + 15 square meters + veranda on three sides) Private hot spring bath
【Ume no Kura】Exterior appearance
【Tatsujiro】Maisonette(LDK on the 1st floor + 2 rooms on the 2nd floor)<hot spring room bath>
【Guest room】Shoin-styl…
【Guest room】Courtyard …
【Guest room】18 sqm + 1…
【Guest room】Banma
【Guest room】Kumiko Cra…
【Guest room】Japanese l…
【Guest room】Japanese l…
【Guest room】Exterior f…
【Ume no Kura】Maisonett…
【Ume no Kura】Maisonett…
【Ume no Kura】Bedroom n…
【Ume no Kura】Bedroom n…
【Ume no Kura】Bedroom n…
【Ume no Kura】Warehouse…
【Ume no Kura】Warehouse…
【Ume no Kura】Exterior …
【Tatsujiro】Reflection …
【Tatsujiro】Corridor fr…
【Tatsujiro】2nd floor r…
【Tatsujiro】2nd floor r…
【Tatsujiro】Fragrant Ta…
Tatsujiro(Fragrant Tak…
【Tatsujiro】Kumiko Craf…
【Tatsujiro】Handrails i…
【Tatsujiro】Wide edge
【Tatsujiro】Front chamb…
【Tatsujiro】Exterior ap…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Mais…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Mais…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Bedr…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Atri…
【Oketatsu no Kura】A be…
【Oketatsu no Kura】A be…
【Oketatsu no Kura】kitc…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Frag…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Frag…
【Oketatsu no Kura】bath…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Ware…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Exte…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Blue…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Blue…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Blue…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Exte…
【Oketatsu no Kura】Exte…
【Private hot spring bath 1】A fragrant Takano Maki bathroom.When you open the window, you can feel like you are in a semi-open-air bath while looking at the river.
【Private hot spring bath 1】A fragrant Takano Maki bathroom.When you open the window, you can feel like you are in a semi-open-air bath while looking at the river.
【hot spring room bath】Rock bath (bathroom made of fragrant Koya maki) View the courtyard from the bathroom window.
<source>Sakurasaku Ons…
【hot spring room bath】…
Silver bath
Silver bath
Silver bath
The geyser of "Sakuras…
The source of the "Sak…
【Uda Beef】Tajima Beef black beef improved from Tajima Beef beef.Features a fine meat juice with fine texture and fiber(An example)
【Uda Beef】Shabu-Shabu(An example)
【Hoo Hot Pot】Shabu-shabu of branded pork “Miyabi Pork”(An example)
【Hoo Hot Pot】Shabu-sha…
【BBQ】Exclusively for g…
【BBQ】Steak BBQ in the …
【BBQ】Steak BBQ in the …
【BBQ】Steak BBQ in the …
【BBQ】Steak BBQ in the …
【Breakfast】Tea Rice Po…
【Dining room】Yo no Ma
【Dining room】Hotaru no…
【Dining room】Hotaru no…
【Exterior appearance】Swiss Building
【Tea room】Ritual seat
【Tea room】Autumn leaves from the protruding room
*【Exterior appearance】…
【Swiss Building】Welcom…
【Tea room】Ritual seat
【Tea room】Booth
【Tea room】The floor pi…
【Tea room】Autumn leave…
【Tea room】Base window(…
【Tea room】Exterior app…
【Tea room】Exterior app…
【Tea room】alley
【Tea room】Exterior app…
【Tea room】Exterior app…
【Tea room】Open field
Baihoan(Tea room name:…
【Tea room】Tsukubai
【Tea room】Sit waiting
【Tea room】Sit waiting
【Tea room】
【Accommodation Feature…
【Accommodation Feature…
【Accommodation Feature…
【Accommodation Feature…
【Swiss Building】
Taisho period chandeli…
【On the premises】Seiry…
*【On the premises】Play…
【On the premises】Playi…
【On the premises】Playi…
【On the premises】Playi…
【On the premises】Clear…
【On the premises】Playi…
Welcome drink(Siphon coffee)
【Tea room】Ritsurei Chagama
【Tea room】Matcha
【Tea room】4th generati…
Exterior appearance
A view of the site from above.Drone(Helicopter shot)
【Exterior appearance】Main Building
【On the premises】Seiryu(reflection)
Plum blossoms in the g…
【Exterior appearance】S…
A view of the site fro…
A view of the site fro…
【Exterior appearance】M…
【garden】courtyard(Hoo …
【Exterior appearance】A…
【Exterior appearance】S…
【Exterior appearance】S…
【Exterior appearance】S…
guest Villa Hoo(Main g…
【garden】Blooming in Ho…
【garden】Blooming in Ho…
【garden】Hoo Garden"Che…
【garden】Blooming in Ho…
【garden】Blooming in Ho…
【garden】Blooming in Ho…
【garden】Blooming in Ho…
【garden】Zelkova gate(S…
【Man garden】Azalea
【On the premises】Color…
【On the premises】Color…
【On the premises】Color…
【Exterior appearance】T…
【garden】A gate made of…
Photo provided by the …
【garden】Zelkova gate(S…
【garden】courtyard(Hoo …
【garden】waterfall(Man …
【garden】Man garden(Hoo…
【garden】Man garden(Hoo…
【garden】Woman garden(H…
【garden】bloom in the c…
【garden】big osmanthus
Mountain lily
cold cherry blossoms(A…
Surrounding Area / Scenery
【Sightseeing around】Takami-no-sato
【Sightseeing around】Takami-no-sato
【Sightseeing around】Takami-no-sato
【Sightseeing around】Ta…
【Sightseeing around】Ma…
【Sightseeing around】Ma…
【Sightseeing around】Al…
【Sightseeing around】Al…
【Sightseeing around】Na…
【Sightseeing around】Na…
【Sightseeing around】se…
【Sightseeing around】Yo…
【Sightseeing around】Yo…
【Sightseeing around】Yo…
【Sightseeing around】Fu…
【Sightseeing around】Ny…
The second generation Tatsujiro gave"Rui guest emblem"